(Looking for our Radio Opportunity?)

Real Christians.
Remarkable Stories.

Compelled is a seasonal podcast using gripping, immersive storytelling to celebrate the powerful ways God is transforming Christians around the world.

Sample Episodes

Featured by:

Audience Reach


Unique Listeners / Month


Downloads / Month

Downloads by Year

Audience Demographics

Household Income

Household Income

$250k+ 9.9%

$200k - $250k 3.9%

$175k - $200k 4.7%

$150k - $175k 3.8%

$125k - $150k 7.0%

$100k - $125k 9.4%

$75k - $100k 12.0%

$50k - $75k 14.2%

$40k - $50k 5.5%

$30k - $40k 6.7%

$20k - $30k 7.0%

$15k - $20k 4.2%

Unknown 11.7%

Source: Chartable, March 2024



Graduate School 4.9%

College 29.7%

Some College 36.1%

High School 19.8%

Some High School or Less 1.4%

Unknown 8.0%

Source: Chartable, March 2024


Gender Breakdown

Male 32%

Female 65%

Unspecified 3%

Source: Spotify - last 90 days, Feb 2024

Age Brackets

Age Brackets

0-17 3%

18-22 7%

23-27 14%

28-34 16%

35-44 21%

45-59 27%

60+ 12%

Source: Spotify - last 90 days, Feb 2024



United States 80%

Canada 9%

Australia 3%

United Kingdom 2%

South Africa 1%

New Zealand 1%

Rest of the World 4%

Source: Megaphone - last 90 days, Feb 2024



CPM = Cost Per Mille
(i.e. 1,000 ad impressions)

Ad Formats

We have 2 types of ads. The price is the same, regardless of ad type.

All ads are approximately 60 seconds long (around 150 words).

Ad Type Description
pre-roll This ad spot plays within the first 4 minutes of the episode. Typically directly after the episode introduction.
mid-roll This ad spot plays somewhere in the "middle" of the episode. Typically near the 33% mark or the 66% mark.

Sample Purchase Sizes:

Ad Buy Size CPM Guaranteed Ad Impressions
$2,000 $32.00 62,500
$3,000 $32.00 93,750
$4,000 $32.00 125,000
*$5,000 *$31.00 161,290
**$10,000 **$30.00 333,333


  • Minimum ad buy is $2,000

  • * Price break at $5,000 ($31 CPM)

  • ** Price break at $10,000 ($30 CPM)


  • We use Dynamic Ad Insertion to insert your ad into all of our episodes at once, not just a single episode. Whether listeners start with episode #1 or episode #93 they will hear the same ads. (more details)

  • You only pay for ads that are delivered. If a listener skips over your ad then you are not charged. Our ad delivery software tracks this.

  • Advertisers are non-exclusive (listeners will hear multiple advertisers in the same episode)

  • You may supply a pre-produced ad, or we can record a host-read ad.

  • All ads are approximately 60 seconds long (ad scripts should be 150 words or less).

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“One of the best podcasts I've ever listened to! No fluff and random conversation—concise, well-spoken, beautiful, encouraging, God-honoring true stories of faithfulness shared so well. I can't wait for the next season!”

— Angela S.

“Binge-listened to all of them! This is my favorite podcast! Interesting, inspiring, and encouraging.”

— Anna C.

“Very inspiring and encouraging. These stories are amazing. You will find yourself spontaneously praising God while listening.”

— Bradley P.