#73 A Love Story - Frank & Annette Loria
Frank Loria was a self-righteous "good guy" who thought he could earn God's favor by following the rules. Annette, on the other hand, barely stopped to think if God had rules at all, and instead indulged in whatever she felt like. Both of them had defined God to be whoever they thought He was… but they’d soon find out that He was entirely different.
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Frank serves as an elder at Lakeview Christian Center in New Orleans. Annette is active within several ministries at the church.
God laid it on their hearts to help launch He Changed My Life, a collection of video testimonies from Christians in New Orleans.
#02 From a Jail Cell to Ministry - Aaron & Holly Mayfield: Holly met Christ through a chance encounter with a pastor’s wife at her sorority. But when Holly began witnessing to her coworkers, she never imagined the one coworker who'd spent time in jail for selling drugs would end up becoming her pastor... and husband.
#38 Chronically Sick. Abundantly Alive. - Josh & Amy Glasscock, Part 1: As a child, Josh Glasscock was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease called cystic fibrosis, which has no cure and always causes death in its victims. But instead of shutting down and resigning himself to a defeated existence doomed to die, Josh and his wife Amy believe that God has called them to live a full and abundant life.
#67 A Chance Conversation - Jurgen & Shawn Beck: For years, Jurgen and Shawn had struggled with miscarriage and infertility. Why would God not grant the desires of their hearts? Then one fateful day, they met a mother who had her abortion scheduled for later that week...