#77 Church Boy (the Drug Dealer) - Troy Gause
Troy Gause was a drug dealer who thought he was invincible. But then he was shot, paralyzed, and placed in a suicide cell where he thought he would lose his mind. Then one day… out of nowhere… he heard a still, small voice…

🔗 Links
Church Without Walls - New Orleans (the homeless ministry that Troy started)
Cross Community Church at Ames (the church that Troy pastors today)
#41 Fifteen-Year-Old Runaway Captured by Grace - Catherine Zoller: At age 15, Catherine Zoller was sentenced to 8 years in prison for grand theft auto, larceny, arson, truancy, and more. But when she escaped custody and started hitchhiking across the nation she was picked up by a country pastor who would share a message with her that would transform her life.
#43 Enslaved to Heroin & Alcohol. Freed by Christ. - Fred & Casey Weymouth: Fred was once a successful insurance salesman, but became a homeless drug addict, completely in bondage to heroin and other substances. Casey had a promising military career, but had become a hopeless alcoholic, and no matter how many recovery programs she went to, she always landed back at the bottom of a bottle. Both of them were desperately looking for their next fix... but could never find what they wanted... until they fixed their eyes upon Jesus.
#63 The Final Heist: From Criminal to Christ - Tyrone Summerall: From childhood, Tyrone Summerall was a habitual thief. If he wanted something and didn't have it, he would just take it. As an adult, Tyrone was eventually sentenced to prison for multiple armed robberies. But as Tyrone was groping through the darkest moments of his life, there appeared a Spark of Hope.