#82 Rwandan Genocide Survivor in Search of a Savior - Alex Nsengimana
Alex Nsengimana grew up in Rwanda during the 1990s, surrounded by racial tension and anger that eventually boiled over into full-scale violence.
As a child, Alex witnessed the unimaginable horrors of the Rwandan Genocide.
But after being exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Alex was challenged to do the unthinkable... to forgive the unforgivable.
🔗 Helpful Links
A Gift of Forgiveness in Rwanda (story on Alex from Samaritan’s Purse/Operation Christmas Child)
Portraits of Reconciliation (The New York Times highlights victims and perpetrators from the Genocide living side-by-side today)
Rwanda genocide: 100 days of slaughter (historical details about the Genocided explained by the BBC. Caution: some of the photos are graphic)
📷 Photos

🎞️ Videos
A short documentary from Operation Christmas Child about Alex’s journey of forgiveness.
#30 Forgiving My Kidnappers - Gracia Burnham: Gracia and her husband were missionaries in the Philippines, when they were kidnapped by terrorists, and held hostage in the jungle for ransom. They endured every imaginable hardship including gun battles, beheadings, and starvation... yet Gracia was confronted with one ultimate question, was Jesus asking her to forgive these men?
#35 A Muslim Converted - Yusuf Agoro: Yusuf Agoro was raised in a faithful Muslim family in the Houston suburbs. But when as a teenager he placed his faith in Jesus, his devout Muslim parents, relatives, and mosque ordered him to recant. Could his brand new faith stand firm?
#69 Hope for the un-Chosen - Steve & Susan Vinton: For the last 30 years, Steve and Susan Vinton have fulfilled a unique calling - serving as the hands and feet of Christ to rural communities in Africa.