#81 My Double Life: Repentance & Confession - Jeff Parker, Part 2


In our last episode, we heard Part 1 of Jeff Parker's story. Jeff was the Vice President of a thriving Christian media company, but he secretly harbored a gambling addiction. This is the 2nd part of his story, so if you haven't heard the 1st half, stop right now and go listen to it.

To fund his secret gambling addiction, Jeff began taking shocking measures to hide his activity.

Jeff knew he should submit his life to Christ, but the chains of sin ran far deeper than even he realized. The only One who could set him free... was the One who had already broken the chains of sin.

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🎞️ Videos

Jeff Parker sharing his testimony alongside Rob Thomas (the friend Jeff stole from)

A sermon that Jeff preached at CityBridge (formerly known as Watermark Plano)



  • #80 My Double Life: Gambling Addict & Thief - Jeff Parker: Jeff was the successful Vice President of a Christian media company. Their products were used in churches around the world every Sunday and the company was thriving. Yet Jeff was carrying a secret. A secret that no one in his church, small group, or work could know about, but that ultimately could destroy him. Would Jeff continue on his secret path of destruction, or would he confess and repent of his sin, before it was too late?

  • #66 Freedom From Porn - Eric Hovind: Eric grew up in a Christian household and served faithfully in his family's Christian ministry, volunteered at church, and always knew the right answers. Yet, at the same time, he was harboring a secret double life of sexual addiction. But one night, he came face-to-face with a shocking realization... he was the product of Christian culture and teaching... but he was a total stranger to Christ.

  • #22 Pregnant, Unmarried & Hopeless - Kathy Brace, Part 1: Kathy spent her life looking for love in all the wrong places. Yet over and over again, she only found bitterness and rejection accompanied by a string of failed relationships and unwanted pregnancies. Kathy's life continued spiraling out of control and appeared to be completely hopeless... until Christ appeared and offered her True Hope.


#80 My Double Life: Gambling Addict & Thief - Jeff Parker, Part 1